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Aqua Cocoon
Aqua Cocoon Hydration and nature bath
Native Oil
Native Oil Sublime treasure of beauty
White Perfection
White Perfection Natural anti-dark spot source
Cleansers & Make-up removers
Cleansers & Make-up removers Well-being ritual
Extrême Jeunesse
Extrême Jeunesse Bouquet of freshness and radiance
Visibly Pure
Visibly Pure Purity produces radiance
Global Expertise
Global Expertise Global anti-ageing botanical elixir
Onaphyline Premium
Onaphyline Premium The anti-ageing vital force of plants
CC Cream
CC Cream Complexion perfectors
Activ Detox
Activ Detox Revitalising energy treatment
Flora Exotica
Flora Exotica The majesty of the plant world

Onagrine is committed and takes action!

For biodiversity

Onagrine is a partner of Planète Urgence

We aim to reduce our environmental impact. But in the face of the global challenge, we wanted to go further and take action for the forests and biodiversity, together with the association Planète Urgence. This French NGO works to preserve plant resources by pursuing three missions:

  • To protect endangered forests and biodiversity
  • To promote local community development
  • To raise awareness of the environment

Why forests?

Because they host 80% of terrestrial species worldwide! And because they play a fundamental role in absorbing the CO2 that causes global warming. Even so, it is estimated that the world loses the equivalent of 30 football pitches of tropical rainforest every minute. It is therefore necessary to take care of them.

Reforestation is at the heart of Planète Urgence’s actions, which focus on tropical areas as a priority. These regions, some of the most endangered, are home to ecosystems that capture the most carbon, as is the case with the Amazon rainforest and the mangroves. And for each euro received, Planète Urgence plants one tree, resulting in…

3,200,000 trees planted in 2023!


Reforestation of cashew orchards
Creation of wildlife corridors

Bénoué National Park is one of the oldest protected areas in Cameroon. It is under significant human pressure: increased population growth, conflict-related migration, activities that threaten biodiversity. Planète Urgence is working to restore this degraded ecosystem.


Restoration of the mangroves, home to the last remaining white rhinos
Planting of 250,000 mangroves and other coastal species

Planète Urgence takes action to preserve the mangroves on the coasts of Ujung Kulon Park in Java, which have suffered massive degradation as a result of the conversion of land into habitats, the development of infrastructure and the establishment of the tourism and fishing industries. In particular, this park is home to the last remaining Java rhinos.


Restoration of the tapia forest ecosystem
Support for local development

The tapia forest, one of the remarkable ecosystems on Madagascar, plays a key role in ecology: preservation of water sources, protection of soils against erosion, and abundant biodiversity. It provides vital resources for the local communities.